A note from producer Diane Quon:
After seeing many cuts of Minding the Gap, one thing that always stood out to me was "THIS DEVICE CURES HEARTACHE" written on Keire's skateboard.
It turns out these words were written by Zack; it was his old skateboard that he'd handed down to Keire. After Zack told me what those words meant to him, it resonated on a personal level. For me and others who don't skate, our devices might be very different but they're just as important in minding tricky gaps and tortuous heartaches in our lives.
"Skateboarding is literally ideas put into motion: meaning if you can think it, you can accomplish it. If you try hard enough and work at it you can do anything. Nothing is impossible.
"It's the only true freedom most of us will ever have. Skateboarding has taught me how to deal with pain, loss, and depression. The only time I feel alive is when I'm on the board feeling the earth under my feet.
"The energy of the planet reaches forth into my legs. It's the only true feeling I've ever had and my only connection with the physical world. I can feel the earth breathe as I glide across it and that feeling can heal the deepest wound of your soul and make you feel alive once again like a child discovering his world. I too can feel the joy of living on this earth."
– Zack Mulligan
We want to know what cures your heartache.
Pick up a "THIS DEVICE CURES HEARTACHE" sticker at select screenings of Minding the Gap, put it on the device that cures your heartache, snap a picture and tag #ThisDeviceCuresHeartache.