Keire had his hands up when he was pulled over.
But being black is. When I went to Rockford this past weekend, Keire told me a story about how one night, after leaving his work at Olympic Tavern where he is a dishwasher, he was pulled over on his bicycle by a police officer shortly after 12:30am. The officer, who got out of his cruiser with his gun already drawn, told him he was pulled over because he had a hood up. The officer proceeded to search Keire's backpack, where he found a laptop and grilled Keire about who he stole it from, making him log in to the computer to prove it was his. After half-an-hour, the officer let Keire go but told him to ride home with his hood down. Keire's ears were freezing cold when he finally got home.
Luckily we got to film a clip to get his mind off of the whole ordeal.
We also ran into some of his buddies at a new DIY spot in town.